Curriculum Intent, Implementation and Impact
At Pondhu Primary School our curriculum aims to give children the knowledge, skills and understanding to achieve their full potential academically, socially and emotionally. We aim to give the children the necessary skills to prepare them for life in modern British society. Our curriculum reflects both the context of the school and the experiences of the children. This encourages the children to be aspirational, to fulfil their potential and reach the highest of expectations that we have of them.
Through high quality teaching of the National Curriculum, our ambitious programmes of study for each subject provide appropriate subject knowledge, relevant skills and understanding that progresses throughout each subject and every year so that children can reach and exceed their potential.
It will:
- provide challenge for all
- support them to push their own boundaries
- encourage curiosity and a passion to learn
- equip children with a diverse and rich vocabulary
- provide a set of values to prepare them for life beyond our school
- develop the behaviours learners need to succeed
- motivate children by planning purposeful activities which allow them to share their learning with an authentic audience
In addition to this, we ensure that our curriculum goes beyond the experiences of the classroom to ensure that our children are exposed to the richest and most varied opportunities that we can provide.
Our English curriculum follows the National Curriculum and is taught through ‘Write Stuff’ English lessons, daily RWI spelling lessons, grammar lessons and whole class reading lessons in KS2. In EYFS and KS1, Read, Write Inc. Phonics is taught daily (continuing into KS2 for those who require it). We use Fresh Start as a reading intervention (in Years 4, 5 and 6) as well as Neli and precision teach interventions for pupils who require additional support at any stage.
Phonics/Early Reading
In Early Years and Key Stage 1, all children follow the Read, Write, Inc programme which encompasses phonics, word reading, reading comprehension and writing skills. The programme aims to create fluent readers, confident speakers and competent writers. Groups of children in KS2 who still require this approach continue to be taught the Read, Write, Inc programme in small groups. Children are assessed every half-term to accurately assess progress and re-group children based on their reading level. If a pupil is identified by year 5 as still needing support the Fresh Start scheme will be followed.
This scheme fully matches the termly expectations laid out in the National Curriculum. Fluency is further developed through regular reading individually with adults at home and at school and through whole class reading sessions. Reading books in KS1 and EYFS are matched to the phonic group and level that pupils are working at, in order to match their reading to the sounds they have learnt. Pupils are also encouraged to take ‘sharing’ texts home to read ‘with’ an adult rather than ‘to’ an adult.
Pupils in KS2 (and those in KS1, once they are fluent readers who can decode) use the Accelerated Reader approach. They complete star tests termly which identify their ZPD and reading age and then select texts matched to their ability. They have 15 minutes daily accelerated reader time to read and quiz. Those working on RWInc in KS2 are encouraged to read their RWinc books at home so these are matched to the level they are working at. We encourage pupils to understand their preferences in reading and make choices based on these and their ability. Whole-class reading lessons focussed on teaching explicit reading skills and knowledge (VIPERS) take place daily. All classes have a daily storytime session where our ‘Favourite Five’ books are shared.
In EYFS, writing is promoted through continuous provision as well as targeted writing tasks with an adult.
For English lessons we follow the ’Write Stuff’ programme. Teachers plan their own lessons using text, video and picture stimuli, linked to an area of learning in the foundation subjects, to inspire writing for a range of purposes, audiences and genres. Planning follows the National Curriculum programmes of study fully.
All classes have a daily handwriting lesson which is taught through the Penpals scheme.
Our school uses the Power Maths scheme for teaching maths from Reception to Year 6. This follows the mastery approach and is aligned with the National Curriculum and White Rose programme of study. Maths teaching is made inclusive through following the concrete-pictorial-abstract model, which builds on previous learning by using small steps. Our approach to maths provides opportunities which encourage children to be curious, inquisitive learners and develop their growth mind-set. They have daily opportunities to develop their problem-solving and reasoning skills.
In Reception and Key Stage 1, we follow the Mastering Number programme(NCETM) in order to develop good number sense. The programme enables children to develop fluency in calculation and a confidence and flexibility with number. In Reception and Year 1 we also ‘Numbots’ to develop children’s knowledge of number facts. From Year 2 upwards, times tables facts are embedded in lessons and through the use of ‘Times Tables Rock Stars’. Maths is delivered daily in mixed ability classes with the focus being on ‘keep-up not catch-up.’
Foundation Subjects and RE
We strongly believe that children are taught individual subjects to ensure subject identity and integrity. Carefully selected curriculum content and skills, as well as opportunities to reactivate prior learning, are planned in a well-structured, sequential way to allow children to know more and do more.
Please refer to the individual subjects’ pages to view the intent, implementation and impact of each of the National Curriculum subject taught.
School leaders carefully monitor internal data, planning and learning to ensure children’s needs within the core subjects are being met and that progression and attainment is in-line with or above the national picture for each subject. Subject leaders conduct regular monitoring which includes pupil voice, talking to teachers, learning observations, work scrutinies and meeting with the senior leadership team. This ensures and demonstrates that pupils are able to know, remember and do more within each subject.
Monitoring opportunities within school, show that children can apply key developmental skills independently in a range of contexts.
Children talk with passion during pupil conferencing opportunities about their experiences and are able to demonstrate a resilience harboured from learning within a safe, challenging environment.
Our children have fully rounded characters with a clear understanding of complex values that prepares them for living in the community, demonstrating tolerance and equality. This is seen in the daily interaction of all members of our community, including staff and children.