Early Years

Welcome to the Early Years Foundation Stage
Reception is taught by Mrs Vine. The class are supported by Miss Sevinc and Miss Maskell.

At Pondhu, we use ‘The Statutory Framework for the Early Years Foundation Stage’ to support the provision of quality learning opportunities. The EYFS is based upon four principles:

  • A Unique Child
  • Positive Relationships
  • Enabling Environments
  • Learning and Development

 The EYFS framework includes seven areas of learning and development that are important and interconnected. However, three areas known as the prime areas are seen as particularly important for igniting curiosity and enthusiasm for learning and forming relationships and thriving. These are:

  • Communication and language
  • Physical development
  • Personal, social and emotional development

 The prime areas are strengthened and applied through 4 specific areas:

  • Literacy
  • Mathematics
  • Understanding the world
  • Expressive arts and design

 Our Early Years has a curriculum of learning which outlines how we teach the seven areas of learning throughout the year. The experiences and opportunities that the children have at Pondhu often enable them to develop a number of competencies, skills and concepts across several areas of learning.  None of the areas of learning can be delivered in isolation from the others; they are equally important and depend upon each other to support a rounded approach to the development of each child. 

 Characteristics of Effective Learning

Throughout our continuous learning environment, the importance of developing the skills of an effective learner are fostered and encouraged throughout by providing an enabling learning environment indoors and outdoors.

The three Characteristics of Effective Learners:

Playing and Exploring – engagement

Active Learning – motivation

Creating and Thinking critically – thinking

Children learn to be:

  • Resilient- I can do it, I can have a go
  • Resourceful- I can find out about …, I am good at finding out about things
  • Reflective- I can add…, I can change this to be …

Early Years Foundation Stage Rationale


At Pondhu Primary School, we believe that every child should learn in an environment that is happy, secure and stimulating. We believe that all children deserve an education rich in memorable experiences that allows our children’s creativity and curiosity to grow, alongside the development of key skills and knowledge. We understand that all children come from different backgrounds and have different life experiences before they enter Reception. We aim to provide children with a well-structured, safe and active learning environment. This supports the children to become lifelong learners and develop the skills, attitudes and understanding to help them on their journey through school and beyond.


At Pondhu, we recognise that children will learn most effectively when they are healthy, safe and secure, when their individual needs are met and when they have positive relationships with the adults who care for them. We strive to ensure that children are able to enjoy their learning and grow in an environment that encompasses all of these things.

We use ‘The Statutory Framework for the Early Years Foundation Stage’ to support the provision of quality learning opportunities. We have designed our curriculum to incorporate all areas of learning to develop a number of competencies, skills and concepts.  None of the areas of learning can be delivered in isolation from the others; they are equally important and depend upon each other to support a rounded approach to the development of each child. 

We make regular assessment of children’s learning and we use this information to ensure that future planning reflects identified needs.  Assessment in the EYFS is on-going and is an integral part of the learning and development process.  The staff make observations and assessments of children’s achievements and interests.  These are used to identify learning priorities and plan the next stages in the learning experiences for the child.


Our children will be actively engaged in their learning and the enjoyment of this learning will be apparent in their daily provision. Children will be calm and effective learners that show wonder and excitement for new learning opportunities. All of the children will have experienced a curriculum that provides exciting and enriching learning experiences and opportunities for them to learn through educational visits and experiences provided by the school and outside visitors. Children are prepared and ready for the next step into Key Stage 1 and will transition well to continue on their learning journey.